Types of Cable Tests
Release Time : 2020-12-14 View Count : 次Types of Cable Tests
Field diagnostic tests can be performed on cable systems during various stages of their operating life. As defined by the IEEE 400 standard, cable tests are defined as:
Installation Test: Conducted after the cable is installed but before any accessories (joints/splices and terminations) are installed. These tests are intended to detect any manufacturing, transport, and installation damage that may have occurred to the cable.
Acceptance Test: Performed after the installation of all cable and accessories, but before energizing the cable with system voltage. Its purpose is to detect shipping and installation damage in both the cable and cable accessories. Also referred to as an "after-laying test."
Maintenance Test: Performed throughout the service life of the cable system. Its purpose is to assess the condition and check the serviceability of the cable system so that suitable maintenance procedures can be initiated.