Condition Analysis Of Earth Resistance Tester
Release Time : 2017-10-10 View Count : 次Because the grounding resistance tester is composed of many precise electronic components and has a relatively long detection line,Earth Resistance Tester under the influence of poor environment and operation, it often causes measurement errors,Earth Resistance Tester and it is difficult to confirm the accurate value of the measured grounding resistance. Factors: There is a large potentiometer at the ground surface, and there are many places with independent grounding,Earth Resistance Tester such as transformer grounding in factories and comprehensive buildings. Due to various reasons,Earth Resistance Tester the grounding resistance becomes larger, the insulation of the transformer itself deteriorates, and leakage occurs,Earth Resistance Tester resulting in grounding There is a potential difference around the pole. If the test rod is placed around it, it will affect the measurement accuracy.
The measured ground electrode itself has an alternating current (the insulation of the electrical equipment is not good, the leakage phenomenon caused by some short circuits,Earth Resistance Tester and the interference of the connected high-voltage power supply near the down conductor); the structure of the earlier early buildings is chaotic,Earth Resistance Tester and the wiring is messy. Sometimes the ground potential difference is above 100V, which directly affects the measurement error of the ground resistance. Poor contact (including the instrument itself): The wiring connection of the ground resistance tester is easily broken due to frequent bending and use,Earth Resistance Tester and it is difficult to find due to the presence of the protective sleeve, causing the phenomenon of time-breaking and time-opening; in addition, due to the detection rod and The crocodile is used for a long time, and it has the phenomenon of oxidation corrosion,Earth Resistance Tester which can also cause poor contact;Earth Resistance Tester if the measured ground electrode is severely oxidized and the embroidery is not good, it will also affect the measurement reading.
There are strong electromagnetic fields emitted by transmitters and antennas nearby: near high-power launch bases,Earth Resistance Tester such as mobile, microwave, BP and other communication fields, near high-voltage substations and high-voltage lines,Earth Resistance Tester places where high-power equipment frequently starts. When the grounding device and the metal pipeline are buried more complicatedly, Earth Resistance Tester it can also cause poor or unstable grounding resistance measurements,Earth Resistance Tester such as gas stations and chemical plants. Due to the complicated layout of the underground metal pipelines,Earth Resistance Tester when the normal detection connection is made, the appearance of the underground metal appearance is still there. In fact,Earth Resistance Tester the direction of the current at each end of the measuring instrument is changed, which often causes the phenomenon of the measured value to be zero or negative.Earth Resistance Tester If there are different soil resistivities in the same site, this phenomenon can also be caused.
When detecting high-rise buildings, the excessively long detection line induces voltage and causes detection errors. At the same time,Earth Resistance Tester the long line itself also has wire resistance. When the sandy soil with large soil resistivity and poor water absorption is used as the foundation cushion of the entire building,Earth Resistance Tester the grounding resistance often measured is too large. The operation is not carried out according to the method specified in the instruction manual,Earth Resistance Tester the instrument itself is not properly maintained, and the instrument is used and the instrument is over-checked.
Our main products are CT PT Analyzer, Protection relay Tester, Transforer test equipment, Circuit Breaker Analyzer, Insulation Oil Tester, Cable Fault Locator, Series Resonant/Voltage-withstand Test Equipment, Secondary/Switch Test Equipment, Power Quality Analyzer, High Voltage Generator, High Voltage Capacitor, Testing Transformer and so on.